Guy Fawkes
At today’s Assembly Mrs Duncan told us the story of Guy Fawkes, we made a mentimetre on how we celebrate, and we learned some serious safety messages about fireworks and bonfires from the Scottish Fire Emergency Services. We are all prepared for the celebrations this weekend, keep safe everyone.
Emily, an animal welfare officer from the SSPCA, visited today and delivered an Assembly on the work the SSPCA do in our community. We also did workshops on how to look after bunny rabbits and all about Finn the police dog and Finn’s law, and what an animal needs to be happy and healthy #responsiblecitizens
Harvest Thanksgiving
We were delighted to welcome Mr Strong to King Edward to lead our Harvest Thanksgiving Assembly. We were also joined by our parents and family members who were delighted to hear us singing ‘live’. We would like to thank our families and staff for their generous donations that will be donated to Trinity Church food bank.
Doric Assembly
Linked closely to our Language 3 (Doric) Jackie Ross visited us and spoke about the Doric books she has written, and then shared her new book Cedric E Flapper Skate which is about a flapper skate who lives in Macduff Aquarium. She wrote it to raise awareness of flapper skates as they are critically endangered, we then created a flapper skate to be displayed in the aquarium #fitnbonnie#fash#Doric
At our last Assembly we promoted our fourth school value – Friendship. We held the ‘2022 King Edward Catching Championship’ and it ‘wisna fair!’, we discussed how to make a friendship fair and listened to the fable’The Ants and the Grasshopper’ #friendship
At a recent Assembly Mrs Duncan helped us to reflect on the third of our four School Values – Responsibility. She showed photos of her own responsibilities, we listened to the story of the boy who cried wolf, discussing the importance of being honest and behaving well and to finish we did a menti where they shared their responsibilities in and out of school.
Work Hard
Miss Mackie revisited our school value of Work Hard at today’s Assembly. We read ‘The Ant and the Grasshopper’ fable about hard work, spoke about why working hard is important, watched a video about the brain and how it grows, spoke about growth mindset then quizzed ourselves with a Kahoot on fixed and growth mindset statements. We definitely worked hard! #workhard#values
First Assembly of the new school year saw us discussing our school value of Respect. We spoke about who and what we should respect, what it looks like to be respectful and listened to the story about the lion and the mosquito #Respect
Autism Awareness Month
Today’s Assembly to celebrate Autism Awareness Month was very informative. We loved hearing Rosie’s story and learning about her successes.
Lent Challenge
Thank you to Mrs Graham for helping us to make hearts and hugs as part of Banff and King Edward Church’s Lent Challenge. We hope they bring a smile to someone’s face over the Easter period
Today’s Assembly saw us discussing the rights of the child. There are over 40 rights that can be simplified into these 5 categories. We also discussed the responsibilities that go hand in hand with our rights
First Assembly of the year saw us launch our new initiative to promote our School Values. Linked closely to our motto of ‘Staying on Track to Excellence’ we are trying to be ‘Caught on Track’ demonstrating our values within school. Look out for our new wall display.
Fairtrade Assembly
Thank you for joining us today at Assembly. It was a great way to share our learning on Fairtrade with you. We even handed out goodie bags 🍫😋
Mr Locke and his feathered friend told us all about Lent today at Assembly
At Assembly today Vera told a story to remind us that we are all special and unique, just like our snowflakes ❄️ We were also treated to a Scottish poem from two of our pupils, a richt treat on Rabbie Burns day 🏴
Christmas Service
Community Christmas Service at King Edward Church. Bow ties, hats, gifts and even a camel 🐫 Thank you to Mr Locke, Vera, Janet and our family and friends who joined us. The children’s singing and those videos = I wish I’d brought my hankie!
Remembrance Sunday
A poignant ending to our WW1 100 year learning context. Thank you to everyone involved in this morning’s service at King Edward Church and who helped with our poppy display. Immensely proud of our P7 pupils who were given the honour of laying a wreath at the war memorial.