Compliments and Complaints
We value all stakeholders’ opinions and feedback, especially when they are complimentary. We have a compliments book in school where any feedback from our school community is highlighted. Should you wish to contribute to this book please send your feedback to school.
Dealing with Concerns and Complaints
We understand that parents may have concerns about their child/ren from time to time. We are accustomed to supporting parental concerns regarding issues such as friendships, eating habits, behaviour, health issues (including toileting), homework, learning difficulties etc.
Where parents have concerns regarding their child, the class teacher should be contacted in the first instance, as he/she will be the person in school who knows your child best. Quite often your concern can be addressed quickly and easily via a phone call. At times, another professional colleague may be called upon to support you with concerns e.g. school nurse or additional support needs teacher. You will always be consulted prior to any information being shared with other professionals.
You can contact your child’s class teacher either by putting your concern in writing or by telephoning the school and arranging an appointment time to talk to him/her. The school will make every effort to respond to your concern as soon as practically possible, and certainly within 5 working days.
If you feel that the class teacher has been unable to support you in dealing with your concern, you should contact the head teacher for further advice.
Whilst we understand that there may be times where parents may be upset or angry regarding their concerns, please be reminded that Aberdeenshire Council expects all staff to be treated respectfully and has a zero tolerance policy towards aggression or humiliation of staff.
For further information e mail
Where a concern remains unresolved in the eyes of parents, parents have the right to make a formal complaint. This complaint can be put in writing, emailed or communicated verbally to the school. The school will make every effort to respond to and resolve your complaint as soon as practically possible, within 5 working days.
Where complaints remain unresolved by the school, these will be escalated to stage 2 (investigation stage) of the complaints process. In these circumstances the Quality Improvement Officer with line management responsibility for the school or the area Head of Service will investigate the complaint and make a response to the complainant.
Where complainants continue to be dissatisfied with a stage 2 response, complaints can be referred to the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman. Further information and guidance can be found at – Have your say – Aberdeenshire Council